October 2, 2013

Guessing Game Results are Out!!

The 2nd CST Bike Challenge has been an enormous success with over 100 riders participating in India, China, Mexico, US, UK , Germany and France.

At the same time the Guessing Game proved to be extremely popular at all sites with about 2,500 guesses.

I believe that many of us were calculating the distances in great detail and judging by the quality of your guesses, I conclude that we have some fantastic mathematical minds across the organization!!

The cumulated distance covered by all CST bike riders and badminton players is 12,339 Kilometres.

This is the equivalent of:
  • A round trip Shanghai – Bangalore
  • 1,3 times Strasbourg – Moorpark
… and way beyond our initial objective of  9,500 Kilometres (Eric will soon be accusing us of sand bagging).

Consequently we are very pleased to announce that the following people made the most accurate guesses and will receive an iPad Mini each:

Marco Antonio Lopez Rubio

Julio Gomez Jimenez

The following people made the most accurate guesses per CST site and so they will receive a consolation prize:

CST China:
  • Andy Yu 
CST Concord:
  • Lonny Louie 
CST France:
  • Christian
CST Goleta:
  • Eva Myers 
CST Hilden:
  • Rolf Kuppers 
  • Justin Lewing 
CST India:
  • Praveen CB 
CST Korea:
  • Josh Ko
CST Minden
  • Sebastian H. 
CST Moorpark:
  • Federico Ortega 
CST Korea

  • Allen Lin

CST Tijuana (Industrial):
  • Ma de la Luz Lara  
  • Maria Norma Avitia 
  • Cristhian Gatica 
CST Tijuana (Transportation):
  • Laura Elena Torres Montoya 
  • Terry Piechota 
The Organization team would like to congratulate the winners and thank all participants for their active support and generosity.

We will be communicating about the donations and charities later this month through the Bike Challenge blog and the CST Intranet.

Have a great day.

The CST Bike Challenge 2013 Organization Team

October 1, 2013

CST India has succeeded !

Completed finally

CST India team volunteers completed the Journey and in total there were 6 people who completed both days all the stretches and day we had excellent cloudy weather with temp around 23 and beautiful road with good terrain very few uphills and all members completed without retirement and then we had finished with a nice India Lunch and a nice nap before the bus took us back to our office. It was a truly memorable experience with all team totalling 1115.20km.

6 people whom completed from L to R Mallikarjunappa, Babu, Sridhar Nalluri , Raghavendra,Aiyappa,Govind

Day 2 Fresh start

Day 2 Stretch alongsisde river cauvery

Educating the Village Children

Fire dance with Indian Songs

Green Paddy Fileds in the background

Lunch for which we have been waiting

Teeth Test by Eating Sugarcane from the Fileds

Out-takes des deutschen Teams

 Da nicht alle Bilder im Vorfeld in den Blog eingestellt werden konnten, seht ihr hier die besten Out-takes des deutschen Teams.

Erika Kyselka: Organisation ist eben alles! Noch eben schnell eine Mail rausschicken ...
Schaut euch mal den Anstieg an! Nächstes Mal nehmen wir die Seilbahn.
Die Könige der Straße! Hoffentlich lagen die Burger nicht zuuu schwer im Magen.
Lana blogging live - Die Blogeinträge waren so frisch wie möglich
Was macht der Blogger wenn keine Infos reinkommen? Richtig!
Selbst Coca Cola weiß, wer die wahren Helden sind. Gerd, Frank und der Rest des Teams, ihr habt euch den Titel verdient

Stellvertretend für das beste Support-Team. Nadine war immer zur Stelle, wenn Not am Mann war.

Bei einer deutsch-französische Freundschaft darf das Bier nicht fehlen

An diesem Bike sieht man, was die Teams wirklich geleistet haben. Hut ab!

Endlich angekommen. Bei BEI Sensors wurden die Teams mit Getränken und Snack empfangen.

Nach dem Imbiss war Markus sogar wieder in Tanzlaune.

Die bildliche Zusammenfassung der Gesamtlage am Sonntagabend: Eingeschickt von Nils Keller :)